Query select * from session where `session_id` = 'j3f20h0lo3jvn0q13v95qfgg43' : Table './rfhillii_20/session' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
Below is our media coverage, magazine articals. pod cast interviews, news print and news videos.
PN Online Wrote a story about AbiltyJobsPlus.
Click Here to read it
FSMA (Families of SMA) wrote a story about AbilityJobsPlus. Big huge thanks to FSMA and Jessica for writing a great article. Check it out! You can read the article here (on page 117)
Thank you very much to Thecityfm and Christine & Sandra for allowing us to be on your show. If you missed the latest podcast interview of AJP please go here & give it a listen. http://tinyurl.com/bm3h5qh
TheCityFM.com (09/25/2012)
Watch the video that NBC 12 (Here in Arizona) did about Ability Jobs Plus.
NBC 12 visited Kingman, AZ and did story at our local VFW about AbilityJobsPlus.com
First story on EVB Live, and agin on NBC 12 news at 6PM
(02/01/2012 4:00 PM, 6:00 PM news)
Website helps disabled individuals find employment
Kingman Daily Miner (1/18/2012 6:00:00 AM)
Query select * from session where `session_id` = 'j3f20h0lo3jvn0q13v95qfgg43' : Table './rfhillii_20/session' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
Query insert into session (`session_id`, `data`, `time`, `user_sid`) values ('j3f20h0lo3jvn0q13v95qfgg43', 'lang|s:2:\"en\";CURRENT_THEME|s:15:\"IntelligentView\";', '1743442648', 0) : Table './rfhillii_20/session' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed