Query select * from session where `session_id` = '13kcopsgbnof4u2tn83a1ck153' : 
Table './rfhillii_20/session' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
Ability Jobs Plus: Search Results By Company
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Company Info
Lutheran Famiy and Children's Services of Missouri
St. Louis, Missouri (United States)


Company Description:

Lutheran Family and Children’s Services of Missouri (LFCS) is a not-for-profit social services organization serving the State of Missouri. Services and programs include: •Counseling •Adoption Services •Crisis/Unplanned Pregnancy Assistance •Foster Care •Child Care •Youth Mentoring Services •Disaster Relief Services •Advocacy on behalf of children and families

Jobs by Lutheran Famiy and Children's Services of Missouri
Results: 101 jobs
Number of jobs per page:
Title City Posted Down
Lifeskills Facilitator St. Louis 05/21/2022
Position: Lifeskills Facilitator III Full-time If you are unable to complete this application due to a disability...

Executive Adminstrative Assistant St. Louis 06/09/2020
Do you like helping people overcome life challenges? Do you have a passion for helping others? How important is...

Case Manager or Social Worker St. Louis 06/09/2020
Social Worker Full Time If you are unable to complete this application due to a disability please contact (314)...

Social Worker or Case Manager St. Louis 06/09/2020
NO PHONE CALLS, PLEASE. This position is located in St. Louis, Missouri. DUTIES Provide effective counseling and...

Therapist Columbia 06/09/2020
Position:            Therapist                                                             Full-time Do you like...

School Based Therapist Contract St. Louis 06/03/2019
Come join us as we provide the highest quality of care to help families, children, and individuals experience greater...

School Based Therapist Contract St. Louis 06/03/2019
Come join us as we provide the highest quality of care to help families, children, and individuals experience greater...

Therapist Columbia 05/10/2019
Lutheran Family and Children's Services of Missouri is seeking a therapist for our Columbia, MO office. This position...

Information Systems Support Specialist St. Louis 04/08/2019
Lutheran Family and Children’s Services is seeking a full-time Information Systems Support Specialist to join our IT...

Case Manager or Social Worker St. Louis 04/05/2019
Lutheran Family & Children's Services of Missouri is seeking compassionate, professional Case Managers and/or Social...

Query select * from session where `session_id` = '13kcopsgbnof4u2tn83a1ck153' : 
Table './rfhillii_20/session' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
Query insert into session (`session_id`, `data`, `time`, `user_sid`) values ('13kcopsgbnof4u2tn83a1ck153', 'lang|s:2:\"en\";CURRENT_THEME|s:15:\"IntelligentView\";ListingSearcher1734784296.5174|a:7:{s:15:\"criteria_values\";a:2:{s:8:\"username\";a:1:{s:5:\"equal\";s:7:\"SHARONB\";}s:6:\"active\";a:1:{s:5:\"equal\";s:1:\"1\";}}s:10:\"order_info\";a:2:{s:13:\"sorting_field\";s:15:\"activation_date\";s:13:\"sorting_order\";s:4:\"DESC\";}s:4:\"page\";s:1:\"1\";s:17:\"listings_per_page\";s:2:\"10\";s:22:\"show_brief_or_detailed\";s:8:\"detailed\";s:3:\"uri\";s:65:\"/company/943/Lutheran-Famiy-and-Children%27s-Services-of-Missouri\";s:10:\"found_sids\";s:276:\"eJwl0kuSBSEIRNEN9QDB8rP/jb32MLlhYJJYZM1b8/zNfxZOXLgxcDxWUyUv6s2nHPfDVxmnzwvfbUbi68oRWDjxw4X04/nkGWhKOyTPY6J6ZjhfszhnK/nndNvOpnttponZDuq+K0tv6S1vK5qima3h0J7L+cOla3Fefat36d16ty/apmzKTbk5bPpNf+gvz9MT1S+H2w5eeJvc7Dx757LIK6mQWkg55Biyjg9p5FISKYmURCrpbbVstWy1eof9V0itpFaj/434AdWreXg=\";}', '1734844555', 0) : 
Table './rfhillii_20/session' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed